Diversity and inclusion

Quelen Export maintains a social commitment with the local communities where it is present, offering opportunities for development and labor inclusion and supporting social and sports activities.

Currently, 50% of the workers on our farms – both in fixed and temporary positions – come from foreign countries, mainly from Haiti, Peru, and Bolivia.

Participation and social commitment

Quelen Export looks to go beyond the productive sphere, engaging with communities in different activities such as:

  • Providing economic contributions and sports equipment for the Panguesillo Sports Club.
  • Paying the transfer expenses for the presentations of the Folklore of Panguesillo group.
  • Promoting healthy eating among school children at the Public School of Panguesillo and the Panguesillo Children’s Garden through the frequent delivery of seasonal fruits.
  • Presenting a theatrical work twice a year for the community with a social theme.
  • Supporting the two Neighborhood Boards with prizes for social benefits.
  • Presence on the Board of two main water channels.
  • Presence on the Board of the Choapa River’s Monitoring Board.